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Apple and Peanut Butter

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

Okay so this ones really simple, it isn't a recipe as such but i'd like to talk about what an incredible snack this is and I really reccommend you guys at home try it!

This is such a delicious, healthy snack. It's perfect for when you need a little energy mid afternoon or morning. I often have apple and peanut butter when I get home from school to fill me up until I eat my dinner and it gives me just the boost I need.

When I do apple and peanut butter, I use at least a heaped dessert spoon of peanut butter but it doesn't matter how much you use. Everyone prefers different things so it doesn't matter at all. If you're looking for a smaller snack you could use a smaller apple and less peanut butter but if you were looking for something more filling you may choose a bigger apple with more peanut butter. Alternatively, you may choose to use a different type of nut butter, it will work just as well as peanut butter.

I know to some people this may sound like a strange combination

and trust me, when I first tried it I thought the same thing but it's actually really delicious. The flavours go really well together and the savoury peanut butter can balance out both sweet and sour apples nicely.

Nutrition wise, the peanut butter contains carbohydrate, protein, fibre and monosaturated (healthy) fat. Peanut butter is rich in vitamins and minerals- potassium, calcium, iron, vitamin B-6 and magnesium. The apple contains dietary fiber, naturally ocurring sugars and vitamins and minerals- potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C and magnesium.

This snack works well with all sorts of different apples but for peanut butter I'd suggest smooth as it holds onto the apple better. It's a good idea to try it different ways and then you can find the best way for you.

I hope you guys try this out and enjoy it. Thank you for reading, I'd really appreciate it if you looked at my other posts while you're here.

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