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Updated: Jun 26, 2021


150ml water

50g butter

65g plain flour

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Oil a tray and coat it with water, making sure to get rid of the excess.

  2. Put the water and butter into a pan (preferably non-stick) and heat until the butter is melted and the water is boiling.

  3. Turn the heat down and add the flour, mixing as fast as you can until the mixture forms a ball in the middle of the pan- it will pull away from the sides of the pan.

  4. Turn the heat off and put the dough into a glass bowl or onto a clean countertop.

  5. You can spread out or play with the dough if you like to cool it down quicker.

  6. Using a fork, mix the egg and the vanilla extract in a jug.

  7. Once the dough is cool and you can't see any steam coming off it, start adding your egg- about a tablespoon at a time and mix thoroughly then repeat. Add the egg until your mixture is at dropping consistancy- you will probably have egg left over.

  8. Use two spoons to put the mixture on your tray, leaving about an inch between them to give them enough space to rise.

  9. If you like, you can smooth out the top with a bit of water to get rid of any spikes.

  10. Place the tray in the oven for about 15 minuites at gas mark 6, they should look golden brown when you remove them. Do not open the oven whilst they are cooking- you can look through the oven door to check how they look if you need.

  11. Once they are golden brown, remove them from the oven an place them on a cooling rack.

  12. Once cooled, you can dip in melted chocolate and pipe whipped cream into them if you like.

This recipe is perfect for when you have guests over. It is impressive and delicious and doesn't take too long to do once you know how to do it. This recipe may seem hard but don't worry, once you've tried it a few times you will get used to how it all works. If you struggle with any parts of it feel free to comment, I am happy to help. This is a very difficult method so if you don't succeed first try it is absolutely fine.

I know that there are some strange parts of this recipe but they all help to make it work. The water aswell as oil on the tray helps the profiterolls raise because it adds extra steam. The countertop helps it cool quicker and makes it easier to spread it out and not opening the oven door prevents them from flattening because they keep the steam in. Steam is what helps profiterolls rise so it is super important to the recipe.

On their own, profiterolls don't contain any sugar so aren't too unhealthy. The decorations make it more unhealthy but, as far as desserts go, this one isn't bad nutritionally. If you wanted to make it healthier or completely sugar free but still wanted to decorate, you could use dark or sugar free chocolate and low fat whipping cream. There are certainly ways to enjoy this recipe whilst watching your health.

Thank you for reading! If you liked this recipe please look around at my other posts.

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